Fonte : ilgiornaleditalia di 27 giu 2024

Canada Katelyn Smith | Ho una lista di 12 regole di mio marito per far durare il matrimonio come non avere amici maschi e non fare battute passivo-aggressive

Canada, Katelyn Smith: "Ho una lista di 12 regole di mio marito per far durare il matrimonio, come non avere amici maschi e non fare battute passivo-aggressive" (Di giovedì 27 giugno 2024) La 31enne Katelyn Smith che vive in Canada, ha rivelato tramite un video quali sono le 12 regole predisposte dal marito che deve seguire se vuol far durare il matrimonio. Tra queste, non avere amici maschi, alzare gli occhi al cielo e rifiutarsi di sottomettersi. Tra gli altri punti, c'è "non fare b .
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  • What's open and closed in Montreal on Canada Day 2024 - Here is a partial list of what will be open and closed in Montreal on canada Day, Monday, July 1. CLOSED Government offices such as Revenu Québec, Accès Montréal, municipal court. canada Post offices, ... msn

  • This 120-Year-Old Victorian Home in Toronto Gets a Warm, Modern Update - I really believe a home should reflect you and your personality,” she says. katelyn had the opportunity to put her eccentric stamp on a 120-year old Victorian home in the Toronto neighborhood of ... yahoo

  • I’m a proud tradwife & live by my husband’s 12 rules – trolls say I’m ‘brainwashed’ but I won’t even have male friends - But her views have led to backlash from others. "I've had people refer to me as my husband’s slave, and being brainwashed,” katelyn, who is based in canada, told What's The Jam. “People make ...

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