Fonte : liberoquotidiano di 28 giu 2024

Chinese Team Secures Best Showpiece Award at the 52nd UIBC International Competition for Young Bakers with Angel Yeast' s Support

Chinese Team Secures "Best Showpiece Award" at the 52nd UIBC International Competition for Young Bakers with Angel Yeast's Support (Di venerdì 28 giugno 2024) - REYKJAVIK, Iceland, June 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/

In a recent display of global baking talent, the 52nd UIBC International Competition for Young Bakers took place in Reykjavik, Iceland, featuring 14 contestants from 7 nations. As the sole Asian representative, the Chinese Team made a remarkable impression, clinching the "Best Showpiece Award", with the Support of Angel Yeast (SH600298). Leading the Team was Leng Jianxin, Secretary-General of the Bakers Committee of the China Association of Bakery & Confectionery Industry and Deputy General Manager of Angel Baking and Health Food Technology Center. Assisting him was Liao Jinzhong, a renowned national expert and Deputy Director of the Angel Institute of Application Technologies, serving as head coach.
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Video Chinese Team
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