Fonte : fanpage di 30 giu 2024

Attacco russo nelle regioni di Zaporizhia e Donetsk almeno 11 civili ucraini uccisi Tre sono bambini

Attacco russo nelle regioni di Zaporizhia e Donetsk, almeno 11 civili ucraini uccisi. Tre sono bambini (Di domenica 30 giugno 2024) almeno undici persone sono state uccise nelle ultime ore a seguito degli attacchi russi nella regione di Zaporizhia e in alcuni villaggi nel Donetsk. A renderlo noto le autorità ucraine. .
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  • Since year start, Nova Poshta expands its network in Ukraine by 13.2% - It is specified that Nova Poshta opened 344 new branches and parcel terminals in the front-line territories in Kharkiv, Odesa, donetsk, zaporizhia, Sumy, Kherson, and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The ...

  • The Influence of Radical Nationalists on Putin: The Kremlin started the "Eternal War" - To start peace negotiations, he said, Ukraine must withdraw its forces from the regions of donetsk, Luhansk, zaporizhia, and Kherson. According to him, Kyiv must refrain from plans to join NATO and ... financial-world

  • Ukraine Situation Report: North Korea May Send Forces To Occupied Territories - As part of its recently signed mutual aid pact with Russia, North Korea is planning to send forces into in Ukraine as early as next month, according to Reuters. The agreement calls for Pyongyang to ... yahoo

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