Fonte : dday di 2 lug 2024

Antitrust la prossima è NVIDIA In Francia occhi puntati su CUDA

Antitrust, la prossima è NVIDIA. In Francia occhi puntati su CUDA (Di martedì 2 luglio 2024) Secondo la Reuters l’Antitrust francese starebbe per multare NVIDIA per ostacolo alla concorrenza nel mercato delle schede video. Nel mirino CUDA, che obbliga ad adottare le soluzioni della casa americana. .
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Notizie su altre fonti
  • France goes after NVIDIA, files antitrust charges following investigation on anti-competitive practices - In a regulatory filing last year, nvidia disclosed that regulators in the European Union, China, and France had requested information about its graphics cards. As the investigation into nvidia unfolds ... firstpost

  • “French antitrust case against Nvidia to combat AI domination” - Following a police raid in September, France is also taking on nvidia in the courts. As a dominant supplier of AI chips, the company is alleged to hold an ...

  • France targets Nvidia in landmark antitrust case over AI dominance - In June 2024, the French government released a report on competition in the generative AI market, highlighting risks associated with chip suppliers. The report expressed concerns about the industry's ... digitimes

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