Fonte : liberoquotidiano di 8 ago 2024

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$2 Million First Emergency Response Grant in Gaza

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$2 Million First Emergency Response Grant in Gaza (Di giovedì 8 agosto 2024) Fast-acting Grant delivered by the Norwegian Refugee Council will expand access to their ongoing Better Learning Programme, including urgently needed mental health services, for children in Gaza. NEW YORK, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/

 The human suffering in Gaza has taken an unprecedented toll on children and adolescents living amidst this soul-shattering experience that no child should have to endure. In support of global efforts to provide girls and boys with access to quality Educational opportunities and mental health services, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today a US$2 Million First Emergency Response Grant in Gaza. Total ECW funding in the State of Palestine is approximately US$36 Million.
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Notizie su altre fonti
  • Education Cannot G7, il testo finale su Ucraina, Gaza, IA e migranti: i risultati ottenuti - Questo sostegno finanziario è stato enfatizzato come parte di un impegno piĂą ampio per fornire assistenza umanitaria, economica e militare in risposta al conflitto in corso. Il gruppo ha riaffermato la necessitĂ  di un’azione coordinata per contrastare l’aggressione russa in Ucraina. Il G7 ha infine promosso una partnership strategica ed equa con i Paesi africani attraverso non solo il Piano Mattei, ma anche il lancio dell’iniziativa “Energy for Growth in Africa“. quifinanza
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  • James Campbell: Labor has just realised it has a Peter Dutton problem - It seems voters aren’t as upset by Dutton’s gaza policy as Labor is ... Since starting on the Sunday Herald Sun in 2008 Campbell has twice been awarded the grant Hattam Quill Award for investigative ...

  • Video: Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza takes the stage ahead of Massive Attack at the Downs in Bristol - At Massive Attack’s concert at the Downs in Bristol, UK, the legendary band invited Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza to speak on stage in support of gaza and the Palestinian people. With ... grimygoods

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