Fonte : webmagazine24 di 26 ago 2024

Telegram l’arresto di Durov e la Russia in tilt | Cancellate tutto

Telegram, l’arresto di Durov e la Russia in tilt: “Cancellate tutto” (Di lunedì 26 agosto 2024) (Adnkronos) – "Cancellate tutto". L'arresto di Pavel Durov, fondatore e Ceo di Telegram, provoca una reazione a catena che rischia di investire la Russia a livello istituzionale e militare. Durov è stato arrestato a Parigi, dove è atterrato nella serata di sabato. La magistratura francese gli contesta l'assenza di moderazione sul social che, con le L'articolo Telegram, l’arresto di Durov e la Russia in tilt: “Cancellate tutto” proviene da Webmagazine24. Visualizza tutte le notizie di Webmagazine24 su Google News Nessun post correlato.
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  • France wants to 'shut down Telegram Russian human rights chief - Tatyana Moskalkova has blasted the arrest of Pavel durov as a violation of free speech The French authorities have arrested telegram found ... bignewsnetwork

  • Durov has nothing to hide, Telegram says of arrested founder - Pavel durov, the Russian-born founder of telegram who was arrested in Paris, has nothing to hide and it is absurd to hold an owner responsible for abuse of the messaging and social media platform, ...

  • Durov's arrest 'in spirit of EU's Digital Services Act' - TASS source - The arrest of telegram CEO Pavel durov in France is in line with the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA), which stipulates that service providers are responsible for the content shared on their platforms, ... bignewsnetwork

Video di Tendenza
Video Telegram l’arresto
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