Fonte : ilnotiziario di 2 set 2024

September Mornings recensione | il gioiello nascosto di Amazon Prime

September Mornings, recensione: il gioiello nascosto di Amazon Prime (Di lunedì 2 settembre 2024) di Stefano Di Maria Sepolto nell’immenso catalogo Amazon Prime Video, c’è un gioiello che brilla in solitaria: è September Mornings, una serie di due stagioni (5 episodi + 6) del tutto sconosciuta al mondo seriale, passata sotto silenzio perché sommersa da titoli blasonati o parecchio pubblicizzati. Eppure può essere paragonata, seppure alla lontana, a POSE
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Notizie su altre fonti
  • Morning Extra: Top stories from Mon. September 2 - Future ‘Morning Extra’ episodes: Be sure to tune in every weekday on WJHG’s website for a new edition of ‘Morning Extra’ at 10 a.m. CDT/11 a.m. EDT. To watch previous episodes, go here. wjhg

  • Here's how the weather tends to play out for September in Hampton Roads - Our average high at the beginning of september starts in the mid-80s, around 85 degrees, where you can still feel the summer heat on your skin. As we progress throughout the month, the average ... 13newsnow

  • Man re-bailed as investigation into death of ice hockey star Adam Johnson continues - Adam Johnson was killed aged just 29 in an incident during an ice hockey match in the UK between Sheffield Steelers and Nottingham Panthers in October last year ...

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Video September Mornings
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