Ilfoglio di 17 set 2024

Give Zelensky the Nobel Peace Prize

Give Zelensky the Nobel Peace Prize (Di martedì 17 settembre 2024) Si vis pacem, para bellum. In less than a month, on October 11th, the Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce the next Nobel Peace Prize. Over the past twelve years, the Norwegian Committee has often made bold choices, awarding the price to individuals and organizations whose stories, examples, heroism and work demonstrate something that the International public opinion does not always associate with the word “Peace”: freedom.   In 2014, the Nobel was awarded to Malala Yousafzai, whose rebellion against Islamic extremism –which aimed at keeping women away from education – inspired a generation of schoolgirls in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2023, the Nobel was Given to Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human rights activist imprisoned in the Evin prison of Tehran. This year, there are many known stories around the world that testify to great battles fought in the defense of freedom.
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Video Give Zelensky
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