Tit for tat la legge di scambio tra potenze

Tit for Tat. Si traduce con “occhio per occhio” o “pan per focaccia” ed è la base del principio di reciprocità, considerato uno dei cardini del diritto internazionale. Una consuetudine che dai tempi della Guerra Fredda non ha mai smesso di dettare la regola, in positivo e in negativo, negli scambi tra grandi e medie . Tit for tat, la legge di “scambio” tra potenze InsideOver.
Tit for tat la legge di scambio tra potenze

It.insideover.com - Tit for tat, la legge di “scambio” tra potenze

Leggi su It.insideover.com
  • Tit for Tat | Manifesto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale
  • Cina Vs USA: gli USA lanciano un piano per combattere la supremazia industriale cinese. Pechino reagisce
  • Tit-for-Tat Meaning, Origins and Implications - Tit-for-tat has a long history as a concept in balancing interactions. Whether it's about returning a favor or retaliating, tit-for-tat reminds us of how people, countries and even game theory ... (yahoo.com)
  • WTO warns over tit-for-tat trade wars - But the positive news could be put at risk by tit-for-tat tariff wars that have broken out, according to the head of the WTO, Roberto Azevedo. Broader global tensions could also see trade suffer. (bbc.com)
  • The Trade War That Wasn't: Tit-For-Tat Tariffs Are Unlikely To Have Any Real Effect - When China hit back this week with tit-for-tat tariffs on $50 billion of American goods, no one in the business world was surprised. The business press went into full panic mode, but business ... (forbes.com)
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