That genius Oliviero Toscani a freak against his will

This article is translated by artificial intelligence. If you want to report errors you can write to [email protected]    Oliviero Toscani died at the age of 82 in Cecina hospital, where he had been admitted on 10 January due to his worsening condition. He had been suffering from amyloidosis for two years.    A genius, a giant, a ham. Oliviero Toscani the greatest enemy of himself. If an artist were able to create his own images today, he would either be the most important artist in the world or the most censored of all. Toscani had understood light years before everyone That images weigh more than words, That images are politics, poetry and lethal weapons. So he angered the Vatican with his Jesus jeans advertisement and the priest and nun kissing. He anticipated anti-racism, political correctness and inclusiveness by being racist, incorrect and exclusive.
That genius Oliviero Toscani a freak against his will - That genius Oliviero Toscani, a freak against his will

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Video That genius