The arrest of Alberto Trentini and Venezuela' s escalating hostage policy

The disappearance in Venezuela of Alberto Trentini, a 45-year-old Venetian cooperator, who had arrived there on 17 October on a mission with the NGO Humanity and Inclusion to assist the disabled, was reported two months after his arrest, almost at the same time as another clash is taking place between the Maduro regime and the Italian government. A few days ago, Caracas imposed a restriction on the staff of the embassies of Italy, France and the Netherlands to no more than three, which also arrived in France and the Netherlands, with consequent orders to the other diplomats and staff members to leave the country within forty-eight hours (an order with surreal implications, given that diplomats are also forbidden to go further than 40 kilometres from the embassy, but the airport is beyond that authorised range of movement).
The arrest of Alberto Trentini and Venezuela - The arrest of Alberto Trentini and Venezuela's escalating hostage policy

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Video The arrest