Free Mzia and Georgia
Yesterday, a group of journalists gathered in front of the Georgian Parliament earlier than usual – protests against the government have become a daily ritual after work – but before they even began, they were beaten, dragged by their hair, thrown to the ground, and dispersed by the police. They were there for Mzia Amaghlobeli, the founder and director of two independent news outlets, Batumelebi and Netgazeti, who has been in prison for 23 days and on hunger strike for the same period, in critical health. Mzia – her name appears on posters, on walls, and she has become a symbol of the injustice and violence suffered by the Georgian people – was arrested by Batumi police on the Black Sea coast for pasting stickers that read "strike." She was released a few hours later, but when leaving the police station, she encountered the commander, Irakli Dgebuadze, who was either expelling or attempting to arrest Mzia’s colleagues who had arrived to demand her release.Leggi su - Free Mzia and Georgia
- Il caso Amaglobeli e la guerra alla stampa indipendente in Georgia
- Georgia: forte apprensione per una giornalista imprigionata, in sciopero della fame da 20 giorni
- Georgia, timore per la giornalista detenuta Mzia Amaglobeli: in sciopero della fame da due settimane - Mzia Amaglobeli è stata accusata di aver aggredito un agente di polizia, ma la sua famiglia e i suoi sostenitori dicono che è stata punita per la sua attività giornalistica #EuropeNews ... (
- Il caso Amaglobeli e la guerra alla stampa indipendente in Georgia - Sta destando sempre più preoccupazione, sia in Georgia che all’estero ... EU stands in solidarity with Mzia Amaghlobeli on the 17th day of her hunger strike and calls on her immediate release. Free ... (
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Video Free Mzia