A crazy week of Il Foglio AI | balance with surprises

The central point, after all, is boundaries: which are the ones to be crossed, which are the ones not to be crossed, which are the ones to be matched, which are the inviolable ones, which are the ones to be abandoned, which are the ones to be torn down? The first week of Il Foglio AI was joyful and irresponsible, light-hearted and formidable, instructive and frightening, educational and disturbing, surprising and exciting. We learned a lot from Il Foglio AI, we suspect that Il Foglio AI learned a lot from us, our unique and totally unnecessary experiment went round the world, and the creation of the first four issues suggests that we should take a little stock of our experience (the first Il Foglio AI stock written by Il Foglio AI can be found here: chills!).    First of all, the method.
A crazy week of  Il Foglio AI  |  balance with surprises

Ilfoglio.it - A crazy week of "Il Foglio AI": balance, with surprises

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  • a crazy week ofA crazy week of "Il Foglio AI": balance, with surprises - The first week of Il Foglio AI was joyful and irresponsible, light-hearted and formidable, instructive and frightening, educational and disturbing, surprising and exciting. We learned a lot from Il ... (ilfoglio.it)

Video crazy week